God, help me.

Whenever I get to lay on an hospital bed; which is not very often (maybe once in 4 years), I remember my mum. Proof that 2 wrongs can maybe make a right. The last time I saw Christy, her bag was right beside her on her sick bed and she said “Ikhuemose, why are you…

Our Deepest Fear

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darknessThat most frightens us. Image by Sincerely Media We ask ourselvesWho am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of…

I bought new shoes.

Ko - ko - ka - ka! The other day, I had an accident, a terrible one. It happened so fast, I could have lost my life in seconds. Well I didn't lose my life, I lost my phone. Well again, I didn't lose my phone, I lost the screen of my phone. Because of…

Memory loss is a thing

Ske keh se? Do you remember? So I saw a thread today about how a guy bought a brand new car and forgot it at the mall. What happened is that he drove the car to the mall, bought stuff, then boarded an Okada back home. Strange? I honestly don't think so. In fact, I…

My life has changed.

Ma vie a changé. Today, I'm writing in future. I'm writing in remembrance of present times and shapeless days. You have tried, Queen. You are surviving and have survived a literal hurricane over the past few months and if anything, no matter what happens in the end, you are a winner. Undisputed, relentless, winner. Unquenchable…

Kindness, please grow on my head.

I'm learning kindness. I'm learning that people evolve and grow out of their environment, emotions, mistakes, and even situations. Truly, nothing is permanent. I'm learning that in my thoughts, in my words, in my actions, I can show mercy. To the ones who have hurt me, to the ones I have hurt, I can be…

The Psychology Of Sleep

I love to sleep. Who else does??? Hi! Thank you for stopping by to read my second episode of The Psychology Series. I was on a short break but yass, I’m back! So let’s get started. This should probably just remain my intro thing, right? 😍😅😩 One major reason why I love to sleep is…

The Psychology Of Fashion

Hey you! Thank you much for stopping by. I am so delighted to have you here. This is my first episode of The Psychology Series and I cannot even hold my joy. I'm literally jumping all over the place because I am eager to share my thoughts with you. Yes, you! If you haven't subscribed…